+971 50 696 8166


We offer 2 pathways: one patient-centred, the other professional-centred.

Empowering the patient

Patient education in the management of their disease.
Design and development of training products.
eLearning Platform and Patient Education Campus.
Own audiovisual production company (Trilema Digital).

Simple eLearning platforms

We have been experts in the implementation of pedagogical plans since 1998 (Trilema Foundation) and we have standards with significant audiovisual content.

Trilema’s eLearning tools and our Campus (Moodle) help guide the patient and their environment through the content map effectively. Each educational module depends on the patient profile and the complexity of the pathology..

Ongoing monitoring is carried out to verify that the video tutorials have been viewed, understood and put into practice. This assesses and validates the patient to actively participate in the management of their disease.

From Trilema Digital we produce informative videos and tutorials for home self-monitoring.

We work with health professionals

We participate in the development of clinically validated educational plans associated with the patient’s self-management of each pathology.

We incorporate healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, patients, and patient caregivers as actors in our educational videos.

Strengthening patient decision making

Patient empowerment is key: training is one of the pillars that allows us to delegate to the patient the first decisions in the event of decompensation, and to involve them in the management of their disease.

We also work to train the patient’s entourage, who are jointly responsible for managing the illness of the relative or friend.

We provide the patient with technological tools to record information in their personal folder through the use of their mobile phone and platform MoviSalud.

We train the professional

DUAL Vocational Training & Patients and Prevention School.
Curriculum design and competencies in health.
On-site schools (Patients’ Associations).
Healthy habits programmes (LifeComp).

Online and face-to-face platforms

We have created a dual VOCATIONAL TRAINING for the Health and Care cycles, supported by the experience of Fundación Trilema, an expert in the implementation of professional pedagogical plans through its centres in Madrid (El Pilar), Zamora (María Inmaculada)…, with on-site VOCATIONAL TRAINING cycles.

Professionals train professionals through our eLearning and Campus tools (Moodle, WordPress), which allow monitoring and assessment in order to obtain academic qualifications that allow them easier access to the world of work.

Discover here our online educational and technological projects by Ballesol, ProtectYourLife, NiceBeats…

National and international programmes

Training for school canteen monitors. Within the FLUYE Project (our school in Zamora has been awarded thanks to the implementation of this project), the PAS and the canteen monitors have a course for the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits that contribute to the physical, emotional and social well-being of children and young people. To train health professionals in schools is to ensure success.

Towards a Healthy City. A programme that involves all social agents in a city, scaled up from the Fluye Project.

Discover here our online educational and technological projects by Ballesol, ProtectYourLife, NiceBeats ….